This is Joni-Wan’s music collection on Bandcamp.


  1. Metal
  1. collection 7
  2. wishlist 7
  3. following 17
  1. Wellerman
    by Jonathan Young
  2. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse OST
    by Jake Kaufman
  3. Collateral Jammage (Full Length 2016)
    by The Tiberian Sons
  4. Zelda Cinematica: A Symphonic Tribute
    by Sam Dillard
  5. I Am The Storm
    by Ad Infinitum
  6. Ocarina of Time
    by Super Guitar Bros
  7. Where No One Has Gone Before- Star Trek
    by Sam Dillard
    This medley is the most emotional and well combined in the Star Trek franchise I have heard.
    I'm a space engineer myself, and if I lose motivation I listen to this to get going again. Thanks Sam for this wonderful piece of music.